Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Texas Wedding morhped into Victorian Fashion

This past week the family's been down in the rebel state of Texas for the First Ever Wedding. Everything went off without a hitch and the weather was just right. It was an outdoor wedding on a private residence,  and the whole church pitched in to make a gorgeous meal and lovely decorations. You'll just have to take my word for it, though, because I didn't take any pictures at the wedding. I did take a few pictures at the blankety-blank museum when we visited. It's not a super large museum, but there were some very neat dresses in the collection. As usual the lighting was kept very low so as to preserve the fabrics, so I got way fewer photos than I would have liked.

If I ever have children, I'm going to dress them in history.

Most of the dresses on display were formal. There were several silks, like this one above. There were probably less than five everyday outfits, including a swimsuit, a wool suit, and a light cotton sporting dress.

 The ladies' collection had about forty women's and children's gowns on display, loosely covering the time from the "ahem" war to 1890. There were two of those startlingly bright purple gowns, and one impressive black silk embroidered gown with leg o' mutton sleeves.

 Victorian trim is amazing. This celery green dress had those teeny pleats not only around the cuffs, but the entire hemline. This dress was special made for some official's lady- I can't recall who.

Bustles. Amazing yet ghastly. I simply cannot imagine why a practical person would embrace a fashion that uses insurmountable yards of fabric, and must be an absolute horror to wash and iron. I am thankful, since I am a practical person, that I was not born in that era. Instead I was born into the era of ultra-blah clothing, so I can look back and choose to recreate any era I please!

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