Last night when Dad and us kids got home really late from the Peter Hammond talk, which was very educational and inspiring, by the way. The weather has been very strange these past few days and driving home in the dark was no picnic. We had to pass through very strong rain and the wind was terrible. When we finally did arrive home, we were very startled to find that our garage door was completely blocked by a very large fallen tree that had only hours before stood on one side of our yard. The strong, tornado-like winds had apparently blown it over. This fallen tree did some damage to our garage, just barely missed the purple car-which actually wouldn’t have been that great a loss anyway- and just touched the tip of our patio without hurting it. What a miracle that so little damage was done! Our clothesline, however, was demolished, and the state of our lawnmowers remains to be seen as they are still buried underneath the branches. Dad is going to have to get out the chainsaw today and cut at least some of the branches so he can take his car to work tomorrow. What excitement!