Thursday, January 19, 2012

17thC Project

17thC Project is plodding along. I'm not used to dealing with such a quantity of uncut fabric. It takes a lot of time to wash and cut so much material!

I had fun dyeing parts of the white material to the bright coral pink, golden yellow, and odd red you see on the left. I also used dye remover on four yards of the brown to soften it a little. This way not all the petticoats will be the same shade of brown. The deeper colors on the right are for the girls who will be sewing their own bodices.

I have three bodices in various stages of construction; five caps and three petticoats. All in all, my bottom line goal is to sew five complete outfits and at least five aprons, five neckerchiefs, and ten caps by late April. I don't doubt there will be additions to the list.

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