Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Valentine's Day Approaches

It's hard to appreciate Valentines' Day hype when you're single, and honestly, the whole commercial thing plus facebook significant-other gushing is pretty tasteless and annoying. But it is good to have traditions. The last two years I think what we did for Valentine's dinner was order pizza... which is really pretty special.

One for sure tradition: Adventures in Odyssey! I have fond memories of listening to all the history episodes- Columbus day, St. Patrick's day, Valentines' day- and I want to play them for the appropriate holidays. The episodes about St. Valentine is called The Last "I do":

But commercialism aside, any excuse to do something special- now that I finally have a husband- is welcome. Lacking a babysitter, we're looking forward to a nice dinner at home after Baby M goes to sleep. Shrimp. Soup. Fresh bread. Gelato. Yum.

1 comment:

Unknown said...