Our group of five left for AR on the 18th and arrived home on May 5th. We worked five days and hit 8000 doors, which made for an average of seven hours of walking a day. I never knew my lower body could hurt so much. I got way more exercise than I planned for, so I'm thinking that not only was it enough exercise for the spring, but for the summer as well.
As I mentioned, pain was a big part of the campaign. I tripped over some garden equipment while walking up to a house- I was trying to keep from giving the elderly gentleman on the porch a heart attack, so I was looking up, not down. I got away with only one blister- all of us girls got blisters. The guys got none, unless they just didn't tell us about them to save their manly pride; Caleb was perfectly fine. That boy must have diamond-hard feet and leathery muscles. What would we do without him? Jen is going to be in great shape after this trip on top of her upcoming recital which requires her to dance every day- whereas I just feel worn out. Yes, I'm a weakling. Always have been, probably always will be.
Now that I'm home again, for a short while at least, I'm keeping busy by stressing out about the 1001 tiny details I have to take care of before Recital, and Presbytery, and the June Dance, and my first foray into historical re-enacting, and Grandpa's 80th birthday, and Jen's trip to Idaho, and our family reunion to Ft. Robinson(Sigh), and our July Fund-raising Ball, and Providential History Festival... my life is not my own.