Monday, July 26, 2010

Solitude, Day One

I'm house-sitting for some friends this week while they are away on vacation. Here I am, with a three bedroom three bath huge kitchen house all to myself. Some observations:

I always thought master bedrooms with their own bathrooms were a waste of space and unfair, too. The parents get their own bathroom while the six, seven, ten children share the other one? But... the experience of having one's own bathroom, one's own shower with no interruptions, may have changed my mind. The privacy is priceless and worth the space. If I am ever a parent I shall advocate for a master bath.

I ended up not sleeping well this first night because of the silence. It is so amazingly quiet in this enormous house that every little noise scares me half to death. Because of my semi-large family, I prize alone time for work or rest; but also because of my semi-large family I am not used to being alone. It's very strange. I think living alone all the time would be horrible.

I came here to study uninterrupted. My goal is to have the text and illustrations for my little book(let) 90% done by the end of the week. We'll see if I can get over the silence to be able to study!

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