Thursday, April 10, 2014

Yes, I'm Amish and I Work at the Mall

So I've been working at O2FS for more than four months now. I stand out like a moose in a china shop, in a very non-destructive way, and it makes me laugh just to see people's reactions to my working there. It usually prompts two reactions when I tell my acquaintances I work at O2FS:

One: "Oh. I've never heard of that store. I only shop Goodwill sales."

Two: "What?? You work THERE? I just can't see you... working THERE."

Even the customers notice how different I am. I've been called Amish once while at work, and another time a customer asked if I was Mennonite. It is a very different atmosphere than what you would expect to see me in. There's loud music and bright lights; there can be a lot of profanity among employees; and there I am, a skirt wearing introvert. But then, I don't fit in anywhere!

Is this what people think when they see me working at the mall?
 Do I look like this? I sure hope not. (My personal opinion: I think Amish romances are hilariously stupid)

However, change is in the wind(and it has been really windy lately). Back in November I applied at several different places, and O2FS was the first place to take me. Literally, I walked in, filled out the application and tax form, and was told to come back in a few days for training. But, as I think I've mentioned, I also applied at the Clothing Shed. Then in February I got a call back to come in for an interview. I did; then we went to TX and etc, and it wasn't until last week that I got a call back for a second interview. Long story short, Dad's fervent prayers were answered and for the third time this year, I'll be getting a new job. and I confess that I won't miss being Amish at all.

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