Sunday, November 3, 2013

Camden, Day 1

 Camden, SC. Back in the spring after my travel dates had been decided I spent some time searching for little getaways to do while I was in SC. One event I found was the Rev War days at Camden, SC, just forty minutes from my host family and happening within the dates I would be there. I emailed ahead and asked if I could attach to a reenacting unit for the weekend. I was welcomed by the RNCR, the Royal North Carolina Reenactors, who do British interpretations. While I would have preferred being a Patriot, I thought it was pretty generous of them to take me sight-unseen, just for the weekend.

 The Kershaw house. The British encampment was to the side and behind the house, and the American Patriots were across the lawn. There was a ditch running through the middle of the lawn that at least one person fell right in to after it got dark. And he(reportedly) wasn't even drunk. There was a row of Sutler's shops behind the American camp, and quite a few demonstrators arranged near the entrance.

The RNCR group was a mish-mash of a few women soldiers, old soldiers, a few token young people, and several families. There were reenacting grandparents there that had nine outgoing grandchildren present, which prompted one spectator to say we had our own private colonial daycare. I also found out later the family was Mormon. Despite hearing some rough language I could have done without, I was happy to have a place. There was a tent for my bag and an occasional free stool to sit on.

This lady was visiting from Florida. She had a great outfit.

Whenever I go to away-from-home events I always feel apprehensive that my outfit might not be up to snuff. So far, I haven't had cause to worry. There were a few neat and tidy gowns at Camden, but mostly there were a great many bedgowns. A lot of gaping, open bedgowns on girls and women of all ages. By the end of the day I was so dazed and tired I kept thinking "Bedpans. There's a lot of bedpans here."

This cute girl had an adorable lilac linen dress.
On Saturday I got stuck by the house during the battle. There were trees in the way and we were far from the action, so I didn't get any good photos that day. On Saturday the Americans won the battle, and on Sunday the British won the battle, and I guess that way everyone was happy. There were three cannons, I believe.

After hours on Saturday everyone relaxed and ate dinner, and then, what else? We burned Guy Fawkes. At 7pm, when it got dark, there was a bonfire. Guy(shown above, getting his pants stitched on) was stuck on a stick, marched to the fire, and cast to his doom. Then there were fireworks and Chinese floating lanterns. You know you have issues with gravity when watching Chinese lanterns float away makes you nauseous. After the fireworks there were appetizers served in the house, and there was more food and drink to be served in the tavern, but I figured at that point it would be just as well if I went home.

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