Friday, January 9, 2015

Stretching my Sewing: Velvet

So it's 2015! I have a goal this year to improve my work situation. The manager who never approves of me still doesn't approve of me, and the manager who is bad at business is still bad at business, and more and more I'm just tired of working three jobs. Work does provide fodder for blogging in my otherwise uneventful life: there's always the time a coworker said I reminded her of a nun on a reality TV show(seriously?), and my manager who said I was sheltered because I didn't know what psychedelic meant. I think she was joking?

Turning a foam knife into a spoon and a fork for a High school version of "Beauty and the Beast." This is the kind of job that occupies my time at Pigtails.

Velvet was 70% off at John Adams this week, and when you add on my 25% off employee discount on top of that, it was a price I couldn't refuse. I have a black stretch velvet skirt already, but it's bulky around the waist, and since it washes in the machine fine and looks classy, I thought making a better fitting black velvet skirt might not be so hard. It's like knit, but with fuzz, right? So I'm blithely entering into this new realm of sewing with velvet because at $3.37 a yard, whatever happens, it won't be the end of the world.

Some tips picked up from my five minute Google-aided research on velvet:
  • Do not press the fuzz
  • Do not cut through double layers
  • Use a walking foot or rolling foot(which I don't have)
So I'll let you know how that goes!

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